اطلاعیه ۹۷۴کمیته دفاع از حقوق کودک و نوجوان به زبان انگلیسی

Increase in marriages of children and this time the children’s concubinage.

Justice is the basis of a sound judgment in a society and inequality and violaItions of human rights is lack of it.

This time, the children officially enter the market for prostitution and sexually explicitly by reading the sermon.

In Iran, medieval phenomena such as (Grave Dwellers) sheltering in a grave to sleep due to homelessness, children sleeping on cartons in the streets and ditches are common and now we must add children concubinage to this list. Indeed, who is behind the dark drape shadows hanging over children’s lives, in the government of ?the Islamic Republic of Iran

The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, having signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which is legally inconsistent with religious law and jurisprudence of the IRI, has not been able to properly define the rights of children, and has granted children to marry by so-called courts of law (Dadgahe Saleh) so-called competent court. Do you even have to doubt whether this court is competent?

How is it that this child must wait until he or she is 18 years old to vote or be allowed to drive or have a bank account, but at the age of 9 she can marry and face the problems and consequences of a common life, and these children of the future, the makers of a society had their human rights come to fruition by others and the current law or lack thereof in the country, which is an abnormality and instability of human interaction in the country.

The statistics of one million children who are married off and children concubines in Iran is a major human tragedy, which can be categorized as genocide (childhood violence and child abuse) and the persecution of children in contemporary history.

A seminar called house on water was recently held at the headquarters of the Association for the Protection of Children’s Rights, Farshid Yazdani the director and board member at the beginning of the seminar said:”Children’s marriage is a very significant issue, which has a significant impact; in Iran, nearly one million children are married, of which 37,000 are under the age of 15, and 180,000 are under the age of 18, in fact, 24 percent of all marriages are of that of children.

There are other significant statistics on divorced children, which show that in 1993 we had 15,000 divorced children, 13 thousand children aged 15 to 18, and the rest under the age of 15.

Unfortunately, related institutions try to hide the statistics; they do not include the statistics of married boys under the age of 20 and girls under the age of 10 years. The issue of domination of the patriarchal system must be eradicated.

Children’s marriage not only exacerbates gender inequality, but also prevents children from developing in their childhood, and has irreversible effects on their physical and mental health. Conflict with diseases like AIDS, death from early pregnancy and age-related abortions become even more difficult.

Article 16, paragraph 2, of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women declares that: the nomination and marriage of children are not legally effective in law and all necessary measures, including legislation, must be adapted to determine the minimum age for marriage and the marriage of a marriage must be recorded. And in terms of Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, all children under the age of 18 years are considered.

We, the children’s rights activists, call on all free people, international organizations and institutions active in the rights of children to urgently and vigorously address this issue and prevent child marriage and the implementation of international children’s rights in Iran.


Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Iran

Committee for the Protection of the Rights of the Child and Youth